Kissera Corp. 은 넥타이 Import/Export/Wholesaler입니다
General Inventory Support/Assistant 한분을 찾고있습니다.
1. 신체 건강하신분.
2. 이중언어 가능하신분 (English and Korean. Chinese and/or Spanish a PLUS)
3. 성실히 오래 일하실수있는 분
4. 유경험자이시면 더 좋지만 경험이 없으신분이라도 위에 사항을 다 갖추신분이면 괜찮습니다.
일은 배우시기 쉬운일들이 대부분이고, 회사가 바쁜시기에는 그외에 일들도 함께 도와주실수있으시면되구요. 좋은 환경에서 좋은 분들과 함께 일하고싶으신분들 연락 기다리겠습니다.
근무시간은: 9AM - 6PM Mon-Fri.
이외에 자세한 사항들은 면접보러 오시면 자세히 설명해드겠습니다.
관심있으신분은 이력서와 함께 간단한 자기 소개를 아래 이메일로 보내주시면 감사하겠습니다.
많은 지원 부탁드립니다.
Mike Lee
Greetings from Kissera Corp. We are a Necktie Import/Export/Wholesaler.
We are currently hiring 1 person for a General Assistant position.
The following are the qualities that will be considered and desired:
-Physically capable of lifting and packing boxes.
-Bi-lingual (Korean and English. Chinese and/or Spanish a PLUS)
-A diligent and hard worker, looking for a long term position.
-Experienced a PLUS+ (We are willing to train the right person.)
The work is not hectic, although there will be times when the work flow will snow-ball quite quickly.
The environment is very laid back and relaxed most of the time, so as long
as you're a honest, smart and a hard worker, you should not have any
problems or troubles learning the position, as well as adjusting to the
Hours: 9AM - 6PM, Mon - Fri.
We will get into specific job duties and will answer any questions you might have during the interview.
send us your resume, a cover letter (a small introduction, nothing too
formal) and your contact info to our E-Mail address listed below.
Thank you for your consideration,
-Mike Lee