1. When is the most convenient time for you?
당신에게 가장 편한 시간이 언제입니까?
Where is the most convenient place for you?
2. Will you have him call me back, please?
그가 나에게 전화하도록 좀 해주시겠어요?
Will you have John wake up and study?
Will you have Jane wash her Jeans?
3. Do you sometimes go to a movie?
가끔씩 영화는 보러 가시나요?
Sometimes do you.... / go to the movies
4. Sorry, I have to go to the bank right now.
미안합니다만, 지금 바로 은행에 가봐야 합니다.
go to the bank 와 go to a bank의 차이
5. What is it you want?
도대체 원하시는 것이 무엇이죠?
의문사 what을 강조한 It - that 강조 용법
It is what that you want >> What is it that you want?
Where was it that you went yesterday?
6. Why do you have to do it?
왜 그것을 해야 됩니까?
Why do you have to go to Sydney?
Why do you have to go to her right now?
7. What do you usually do when you are free?
시간 날 때 대개 무엇을 하세요?
What do you usually eat when it's rainy?
8. Do you sometimes drink coffee?
가끔씩 커피는 마십니까?
Do you sometimes go for a drink?
9. You must finish this work first.
먼저 이일부터 끝내야 됩니다.
First of all은 순서를 이야기 할 때 사용하는 표현
You must take a shower first.
You must master English first.
10. What do you have to do after this class?
이 수업이 끝나고 나면 무엇을 하셔야 합니까?
What do you have to buy in the shopping mall?