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> Life Info > 뉴욕코리아정보광장 > 공지게시판
Celebrating A Successful Korean Festival & Parade
작성자: 뉴욕한인회 조회: 3387 등록일: 2024-10-09


 Celebrating A Successful Korean Festival & Parade


Dear Friends of KAAGNY,

The 2024 Korean Parade and Festival took place on October 5th, marking the parade’s return after a five-year hiatus due to the pandemic. We were graced with perfect weather, a welcome change after last year’s rain sodden festival. 

This year, the parade featured 18 beautifully decorated floats, along with parade-goers in traditional Korean attire, and a lively performance by the Pungmul Pae (traditional Korean drummers). This fantastic display of Korean culture in Manhattan brought smiles and shouts from spectators of the parade. 

We were joined by NYC Mayor Eric Adams, who served as the parade’s grand marshal alongside Mr. Hyun-Woo Kim, CEO of the Seoul Economic Promotion Agency. We were also joined by Representative Grace Meng, Representative Tom Suozzi, Councilmember Julie Won, Assemblymember Ron Kim, Councilmember Keith Powers, NYS Senator John Liu, Assemblymember Grace Lee, Councilmember Linda Lee, Fort Lee Councilmember Peter Suh, Public Advocate Jumaane Williams, and Assemblyman Edward Braunstein, Councilmember Linda Lee, NYS Comptroller Thomas DiNapoli. We are grateful to them for their presence, which reaffirmed the prominence of the Korean American community here in NYC. 

Highlights of the festival included a grand procession featuring the NYPD Mounted Unit, the New York Korean Traditional Marching Band, and other prominent organizations from the Korean American community. Traditional Korean dancers/performers showcased Jindo drum dance, fan dance, and more.

Our stage featured additional Korean traditional dance forms, Kpop, taekwondo demonstrations, and a children’s choir. Not to mention our ‘SUPERSTAR’ Kpop & Trot talent competition. Our winners included Misha as the grand prize winner in the Kpop category, and Limanol for the Trot category. 

Meanwhile, the Festival in Manhattan’s Koreatown bustled with people enjoying all manner of delicious Korean food including galbi, tteokbokki, kimbap, and more. Of course, we can’t forget the signature Korean drinks like makgeolli, and special gelato featuring flavors of Korea!

Our booths featured plenty of entertainment, including traditional games like jegichagituho, and yutnori, which were enjoyed by festival-goers of all ages. Festival-goers also got to enjoy trying on traditional Korean hanbok, taking plenty of pictures to remember the moment. 

And of course, our spectacular and unique bibimbap event, featuring a gigantic bowl of bibimbap which we mixed in front of a crowd of spectators (as pictured at the top of the newsletter). 

The day was filled with much pride for Korean Americans as we watched our flag being waved in the streets of NYC, and shared in the joy of our culture alongside our fellow New Yorkers. 

We would like to extend our heartfelt thanks to everyone who joined or supported us in this incredible celebration. A big thank you to our volunteers and staff, without whom this event would not have been possible. Your support and enthusiasm made the event truly unforgettable. We look forward to seeing you again at next year’s festivities!


Your Friends at KAAGNY






[ⓒ 뉴욕코리아(, 무단 전재 및 재배포 금지]

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