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> Life Info > 뉴욕코리아정보광장 > 생활정보 자유게시판
생활정보 자유게시판
뉴욕 인턴십 Boot Camp 에서 열정있는 학생을 찾습니다!.
작성자: PYD 작성자정보 조회: 12023 등록일: 2014-12-07

PYD에서 주최하는 비즈니스 집중수업이 뉴욕의 열정있는 학생들 찾고있습니다. 

밑에 있는 정보를 읽어보시고 문의주세요!




New York Internship Boot Camp by PYD


For any business to not only survive, but also grow and remain profitable, its team must master crucial skills in self branding and business: skills that will differentiate a person when economic and inter-personal crises occur, and create the most innovative and effective leaders within. Pursue Your Dream Foundation’s Self Branding programs guide students to develop advanced practices in business and Self branding to help become the next generation of leaders.

Mr. Leo who was a former No.1 banker at Bank of America in New York is going to coach students individually.  

Program Objectives

Pursue Your Dream Foundation’s Self Branding Boot Camp: PYD’s boot camp is going to teach Self Branding, Business Etiquette, First Impression. Understanding these 3 key elements will help students become better global professionals. And, it will benefit anyone with managerial responsibility that requires strong decision-making skills and the ability to lead and motivate others.

This program is a one day 3 hour intensive class, 3-days internship, and includes core topics which address key subject areas necessary for business success:

Part I: Self Branding

             Students will learn how to evaluate their value/worth

·         Key topics Include:

o    What is value?

o    How to evaluate personal value/worth

o    How to practice evaluating our value/worth

Part II: Business Etiquette

Students will learn the fundamentals of executive coaching, business etiquette

·         Key Topics Include:

o    What is the proper corporate hands shake?

o    How to start conversation in the elevator?

o    How to find the “right executive” in the network party

Part III: First Impression

This class will help students truly understand small things do make the big difference and make them aware of what they are missing.

·         Key topics Include:

o    Why First impression is important?

o    What are the important factors of first impression?

o    How to improve our first impression?

Final Part: 3-Day Intensive Internship

 Not all internships are created equal. Some positions that might look like internships are really just part-time temp jobs available to almost anyone. They may even be unchallenging busywork that an employer would rather not assign to staff. PYD internship will offer you real intern opportunity.

·         Key topics Include:

o    Doing end of the year PYD project.  


u  Date & Time :  December 10/11  6:00pm~ 9:00pm(boot camp will be held two times on 10, 11)

u  Place (PYD Office) : 100 Park Ave, 16th floor, New York, NY 10017

u  Question or information :

u  Tuition :  20$ (End of the year discount 40$à 20$)

u  추가정보 “PYD” Pursue Your Dream Foundation Pursue Your Dream Foundation




Pursue Your Dream Foundation (100 Park Ave, 16th Floor, New York, NY 10017)


l  Past PYD boot camp student’s comments

 “I joined a week internship program and a three hour intensive class. This program opened my eyes and awakened to what I should do in NYC. I learned critical techniques to be a global person.” –  Hazuki


 “I learned so much about marketing that isn’t taught in a class room.  I also got so many interviews because of my time there and the skills that Mr. Leo taught us. I highly encourage business students or people that are serious in a business career to do this internship; you definitely won’t regret your time there.” –  Steven


 “The experiences in PYD enlarged my world and made me aware of important elements other than English to be a global professional.” –  Tomo






[ⓒ 뉴욕코리아(, 무단 전재 및 재배포 금지]

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