표현이 12번 반복되는 파일입니다
1. My nose is stuffed.
나의 코가 막혔어요.
I have a stuffy nose. My nose is stuffed up.
2. Stop picking your nose.
코를 후비지 마세요.
3. I have a fever and a runny nose.
열이 나고 콧물이 나요.
I have a temperature. My nose is running.
4. Your eyes are all bloodshot.
눈이 완전히 충혈 됐네요.
Your eyes are red. Didn't you sleep last night?
5. You have matter in the corner of your eyes.
눈곱 끼었어요.
Wipe it out.
6. I'm sneezing every second.
자꾸 재채기가 나요.
I'm sneezing any second. I'm yawning every second.
7. My eyes are itching.
눈이 가렵습니다.
My back is itching. Please scratch it for me.
If you scratch my back, I'll scratch yours.
8. I'm allergic to pork.
저는 돼지고기에 알레르기가 있는데요.
Is it bad? 심한가요?
9. I'm really stressed out.
정말 스트레스가 쌓여요.
I'm distressed.
I have too much pressure.(부담감에 의한 스트레스)
10. I dozed off on the bus and missed my stop.
버스에서 졸다가 내릴 곳을 지나쳤어요.
김남호(Mark Kim) 원장
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