표현이 12번 반복되는 파일입니다
내용설명 오디오 강의 파일입니다
1. What is the weather like?
날씨가 어때요?
How is the weather outside?
What is your father like?
2. What sort of weather is it today?
오늘은 어떤 날씨죠?
sort of = kind of
3. What is the weather forecast for today?
오늘 일기예보가 어떻습니까?
The weather forecast says it's going to rain today.
Let's make an appointment for tomorrow.
4. Is it going to be rainy today?
오늘 비가 올까요?
sunny / rainy / snowy / foggy / windy / bright
5. How does the weather look for the weekend?
이번 주말 날씨가 어떨까요?
How does the stock market look for next week?
6. It's raining cats and dogs.
비가 억수같이 내리네요.
It's raining in torrents. It's raining heavily. It is showering.
7. I'm so tired of this rain.
이 비가 지겹습니다.
I'm so sick and tired of it.
I'm tired with hard work.
8. We have very muggy weather.
clear, hazy(안개 낀), humid(후덥지근한), sizzling(푹푹 찌는),
drizzling(보슬비), hailing(우박), sleeting(진눈깨비가 나리는)
매우 무더운 날씨네요.
It is a very muggy day.
9. It's an unbearably hot and sticky day.
견딜 수 없을 정도로 덥고 찍찍한 날씨입니다.
10. You got soaked with rain.
비에 흠뻑 젖으셨군요.
I got soaked to the skin.
김남호(Mark Kim) 원장
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