1. Could you wait a while? As you see, I have company.
잠시 기다려 주실래요? 보시다시피 사람이 있어서요.
wait a while(minute, second, sec, moment)
keep company with
Could you keep me company today?
2. Keep Saturday night open.
We're having a big party for all the members.
토요밤은 스케쥴 비워두세요. 모든 멤버들을 위한 파티가 있어요
Keep the whole day open tomorrow.
I'll keep all day open for you tomorrow.
3. Sorry, I'm tied up with an urgent matter.
If you can't come, please let me know.
미안해요. 급한 일 때문에 매달려 있습니다.
오지 못하신다면, 저에게 알려주세요.
I'm busy with school work.
I'm busy preparing for my presentation.
4. Is there a telephone booth near here?
What's the phone number of the Hilton hotel?
이 근처에 공중전화 박스가 있습니까?
힐튼 호텔 전화번호가 몇 번입니까?
public phone = phone booth
5. Sorry, I don't know. Look up the number in the book.
미안하지만 모르겠습니다. 번호를 책에서 찾아보세요.
look up 찾는내용 in 책 / phone directory
Look up the number in yellow pages.
6. I'm sorry to bother you,
but what do you mean by this word?
성가시게 해서 죄송합니다만 이 단어가 무슨 뜻이에요?
I'm sorry to cut in(break in)
7. I have no idea, sorry.
Why don't you look up the word in the dictionary?
죄송하지만 모르겠습니다. 사전에서 그 단어를 찾아보시죠.
I have no clue to know ; 제가 알 턱이 없죠.
in the encyclopedia. on the web, on the internet.
I looked it up on the internet. / I googled it.
8. Cars are not allowed to run faster
than 60 kilometers an hour on this road.
이 도로에서는 시속 60킬로 이상 달릴 수 없습니다.
You are not allowed to do that.
Minors are not allowed to buy drinks in Korea.
50 mile an(per) hour
on(in) this road
9. This box has something fragile in it.
Great care should be taken.
이 상자에는 깨지기 쉬운 것이 들어있어요.
정말 조심해야 합니다.
It has something important in it.
You should take great care of this box.
10. I'd like to introduce my teacher who teaches me English,
and he is the very guy whom I talked to you a lot about.
나에게 영어를 가르치는 선생님을 소개하고자 합니다.
제가 말씀을 많이 드렸던 바로 그 분이십니다.
the very + 명사 : 바로 그
I talked to them a lot about you.