뉴욕한인회 및 스몰비즈니스 단체들, 뉴욕주 상.하원
의원들과 요청 협의
3월 21일, 뉴욕한인회, 뉴욕네일협회, 뉴욕 드라이클리닝협회 및 한인단체 관계자들은 알바니에서 뉴욕주 상원, 하원들을 만나
이번에 뉴욕주하원 론김의원이 2017-2018년도 주예산안에 포함시킨 300만불의 소상인 지원금에 대해 적극적인 관심과 협조로
통과시키길 부탁했다.
급박하게 이뤄진 이 미팅은, 바쁘신 스케줄에도 많은 주상원, 하원 의원들의 참여와 관심으로 성공적으로 이루어졌으며,
또한 김민선 회장과 또 임원진들의 노력으로 한인단체의 위상을 세우고 한인커뮤니티를 알리는 뜻깊은 시간이었다고 전했다.
KAAGNY advocates small business funding allocation in 2017 New York State budget
The Korean American Association of Greater New York (KAAGNY), the Chinese American Nail Salon Association, the Korean American Dry Cleaners Association of New York, and the Korean American Nail Salon Association went to the state capital this Tuesday to advocate for the Financial Assistance to Business (FAB) program. The association¡?s leaders and small business owners joined KAAGNY¡?s president, Minsun Kim, in speaking with and urging lawmakers to ensure its inclusion in the final state budget. The $3 million funding allocation, which was added to the Assembly¡?s 2017-2018 Budget Proposal, would provide financial assistance to small businesses to comply with the state¡?s latest regulations for the dry cleaning and nail salon industry. The group met with key Assemblymembers and State Senators before and after Session Proceedings to advocate for the FAB program. The State Legislature and Governor will spend the next few weeks negotiating the final 2017 Budget, and the organizers of the delegation felt that this was a crucial moment to convey their support for the funding allocation. Following the meetings, many of the delegation members expressed their appreciation for the opportunity to show their support to elected officials, and remained cautiously optimistic about its ultimate passage.
[ⓒ 뉴욕코리아(www.newyorkkorea.net), 무단 전재 및 재배포 금지]
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