안녕하세요. 10파운드 보기 귀한 보스톤 테리어 여자강아지 팝니다. 귀가 아주 귀여워요. 1살이구요. 한번더 짖지 않았어요. 아주 조용하고. 가구 물어뜯지도 않아요. 장난감 가지고 노는 거 좋아하고. 사람들을 잘 따라요. 다른 개들이랑도 잘 어울리구요.
예방 접종은 다 맞았고. 마지막으로 맞은 게 2017년 1월 4일이예요. 생일이랑 접종관련 서류도 있어요. 이름은 해티였는 데 제가 코코로 바꿨어요. 대소변은 가리고. 6-7시간 마다 데려나가시면 돼요. 밤엔 10시간 이상동안 잘자요. 코도 안골아요. :)
추운 겨울 용 옷도 많이 샀고 장난감들도 많이 샀어요. 목욕용 타월도 있구요. 모두 300불 정도 가치는 있어요.
제가 유튜브로 \"세상에 나쁜 개는 없다.\"란 개 훈련 프로그램을 보고 개 훈련도 많이 시키고 명령어도 많이 가르쳤어요. 앉아. 엎드려. 뛰어. 점프해. 돌아. 움직이지마 (stay). 저리가. 이리와 등등은 이해해요. 이 명령어들은 음식에 잘 반응해요. 모든 개들이 다 그렇듯이.
입양비는 750불인데 약간은 절충 가능해요. 어떤 질문이든 있으시면 전화주세요 201-257-2685.
I have a 1-year-old boston terrier, which I think is a rare breed hard to find. Very cute ears upward.
``Her date of birth is Feb. 4, 2016. ``Her name at adoption was Miss Hattie but I gave her a new name, Coco. ``Never barks! which I loved when I adopted.
``Up to date on all the shots: the last shots on Jan. 4, 2017 Canine influenza H3N2 Canine influenza H3/N8 DAPP Bordatella Intranasal Rabies
``House trained and potty trained ``I prefer someone who has small dogs experience honestly for dogs to be acquainted with a new living environment, some adjustment time is necessary: e.g., carpet vs. hardwood, etc. ``I took her out every 6-7 hrs. At night when she sleeps she holds over 10-12 hrs, e.g., 10pm to 10am. She might make mistakes in the beginning until she gets used to the new environment. ``Spayed on Jan. 4, 2017
``Preventive care done: on Jan. 4, 2017 4DX test -- negative Pyrantel Pamoate Heartgard CIV H3N2 & CIV H3N8
``Microchipped - there is the detailed info in the paper. Weight: 5.56kg / about 10-12 lbs ``I purchased many winter coats, blankets and toys ``She loves to play with toys ``Very good with people and other dogs ``Very affectionate: kissing you on the face a lot. You should say no if you don\'t like it. ``Taught her many commands. I have been studying dogs\' behaviors and language on You Tube for 2 years.
``She knows the following commands: sit, lower the body (with a command, lie down), turn around, jump, run, stay, come/go. These through treats. After many repetitions, no treats would be necessary but it takes a while.
``Adoption fee: $750 including all clothes, blankets and all toys and many towels for her bathing (it\'s much more than your offer but this dog is very cute and small and not barking)
`````````````````````` Please tell me a bit about you: How many people live in your place? How old roughly are they (kids, 30s, or 50s...?)? Have you had dogs before and for how many years? Work schedule? Anyone home? What kind of work you do?
I am asking these for both you and me. If you decide to give her up for whatever reason, this dog has to be sent to another family which is not good.