A comfortable atmosphere indoors is reached with a relative humidifier level between 40 % and 60 %. Your humidifier controls automatically the humidity level according to desired setting. If the air is too dry, the humidifier will automatically operate. As soon as the desired humidity level is reached, it will stop. Fashionable & Modern Design, Quiet Operation, Easy to clean and handle, Antibacterial Watertank, Improved system to keep the water clean.
*서로 믿음으로 주고받는 건전한 교류 풍토로 따뜻한 세상을 만듭시다 *비즈니스 용도는 우측상단의 고객문의로 문의해주시길 바랍니다.-미국최대한인포털.뉴욕코리아닷넷!