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"Visage andExpression: Ray DiCecco" opening on Thur. Mar. 29, from 6-8PM
작성자: YMLP
조회: 17854 등록일: 2012-03-28
"Visage andExpression: Ray DiCecco" opening on Thur. Mar. 29, from 6-8PM
Tenri Cultural Institute at 43A West 13 Street, NYC proudly presents Visage and Expression : Ray DiCecco from March 29 th -April 28th , 2012 with an opening reception on Thursday March 29 th , from 6 -8PM .
Visage and Expression is comprised of a series of portraits that Ray DiCecco refers to as his photo-paintings. Being an electronic medium, digital photography erases the artist’s hand on the surface of the work of art. However, Ray DiCecco incorporates painting into each piece re-instating the maker into each work while demonstrating the emotional response to the sitter.
The facial topography of the individual acts as a cypher of identity but instead of acting as photographic document it becomes a dreamlike psychological map of characteristics.DiCecco uses digital photography on transparent film or print papers, mounting them on canvas after which he applies multiple layers of polymer media on top creating a layered transparency achieving effects somewhat like those seen in fun-house mirrors. The sitter’s facial characteristics fluctuate in size, movement, blur, re-appear, fade again, and then return to life. Lane 2 , 2011 is a good example of this fading in and out of reality seen in the photographic portrait. Like dream or memory the sitter’s characteristics recede and converge as one studies them through the film of layers that reveal and hide their features creating ambiguities, and shifts in the visages.
In DiCecco ’s words “the medium is a sort of clear barrier but one that serves a dual purpose; to permit a look at the subject exposing her vulnerabilities and simultaneously act as a protective layer making her impervious. “ These images are created out of four pieces that come together as one portrait yet somehow shift and disjoin, to produce the effect of wrinkled cellophane paper atop a photograph. In this respect his portraits are Baudrillard-ian fragments that are real and can be fragmented because DiCecco has first given them meaning.
DiCecco also employs double exposure as seen in Casey 4 , 2011, for its ability to portray the dichotomies inherent in human personality. The artist synthesizes these concepts to present us not only with the contrasts within any given personality but also as a way of chronicling diversity. DiCecco is painting with light, his foci are dramatic, and when he includes backgrounds, they are well synthesized and harmonized, refraining from any type of distraction. In considering all these formal characteristics; negative/positive space, angle, view, line, and focus, he makes photography a fine art.
For More Information :
[ⓒ 뉴욕코리아( www.newyorkkorea.net ), 무단 전재 및 재배포 금지]
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<P><SPAN style="BACKGROUND-COLOR: rgb(255,255,255)"><SPAN></SPAN><B style="LINE-HEIGHT: normal; FONT-FAMILY: arial, sans-serif; COLOR: rgb(34,34,34)">FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE</B><SPAN style="LINE-HEIGHT: normal; FONT-FAMILY: arial, sans-serif; COLOR: rgb(34,34,34)">:</SPAN></SPAN></P>
<P><SPAN style="BACKGROUND-COLOR: rgb(255,255,255)"><SPAN style="LINE-HEIGHT: normal; FONT-FAMILY: arial, sans-serif; COLOR: rgb(34,34,34)"></SPAN></SPAN> </P>
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<DIV><SPAN style="BACKGROUND-COLOR: rgb(255,255,255)"></SPAN></DIV>
<DIV><SPAN style="BACKGROUND-COLOR: rgb(255,255,255)"><B>Tenri Cultural Institute</B> at 43A West 13 Street, NYC proudly presents <I><SPAN style="background-clip: initial; background-origin: initial" class=il>Visage</SPAN> <SPAN style="background-clip: initial; background-origin: initial" class=il>and</SPAN><SPAN style="background-clip: initial; background-origin: initial" class=il>Expression</SPAN>: <SPAN style="background-clip: initial; background-origin: initial" class=il>Ray</SPAN> <SPAN style="background-clip: initial; background-origin: initial" class=il>DiCecco</SPAN></I> <SPAN style="background-clip: initial; background-origin: initial" class=il>from</SPAN> <SPAN style="background-clip: initial; background-origin: initial" class=il>March</SPAN> <SPAN style="background-clip: initial; background-origin: initial" class=il>29</SPAN><SUP>th</SUP>-April 28<SUP>th</SUP>, 2012 with an <B><SPAN style="background-clip: initial; background-origin: initial" class=il>opening</SPAN> reception on Thursday <SPAN style="background-clip: initial; background-origin: initial" class=il>March</SPAN> <SPAN style="background-clip: initial; background-origin: initial" class=il>29</SPAN><SUP>th</SUP>, <SPAN style="background-clip: initial; background-origin: initial" class=il>from</SPAN> <SPAN style="background-clip: initial; background-origin: initial" class=il>6</SPAN>-<SPAN style="background-clip: initial; background-origin: initial" class=il>8PM</SPAN></B>.</SPAN></DIV>
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<DIV><SPAN style="BACKGROUND-COLOR: rgb(255,255,255)"></SPAN></DIV>
<DIV><SPAN style="BACKGROUND-COLOR: rgb(255,255,255)"><I><SPAN style="background-clip: initial; background-origin: initial" class=il>Visage</SPAN> <SPAN style="background-clip: initial; background-origin: initial" class=il>and</SPAN> <SPAN style="background-clip: initial; background-origin: initial" class=il>Expression</SPAN></I> is comprised of a series of portraits that <SPAN style="background-clip: initial; background-origin: initial" class=il>Ray</SPAN> <SPAN style="background-clip: initial; background-origin: initial" class=il>DiCecco</SPAN> refers to as his photo-paintings. Being an electronic medium, digital photography erases the artist’s hand on the surface of the work of art. However, <SPAN style="background-clip: initial; background-origin: initial" class=il>Ray</SPAN> <SPAN style="background-clip: initial; background-origin: initial" class=il>DiCecco</SPAN> incorporates painting into each piece re-instating the maker into each work while demonstrating the emotional response to the sitter.</SPAN></DIV>
<DIV><SPAN style="BACKGROUND-COLOR: rgb(255,255,255)">The facial topography of the individual acts as a cypher of identity but instead of acting as photographic document it becomes a dreamlike psychological map of characteristics.<SPAN style="background-clip: initial; background-origin: initial" class=il>DiCecco</SPAN> uses digital photography on transparent film or print papers, mounting them on canvas after which he applies multiple layers of polymer media on top creating a layered transparency achieving effects somewhat like those seen in fun-house mirrors. The sitter’s facial characteristics fluctuate in size, movement, blur, re-appear, fade again, <SPAN style="background-clip: initial; background-origin: initial" class=il>and</SPAN>then return to life. <I>Lane 2</I>, 2011 is a good example of this fading in <SPAN style="background-clip: initial; background-origin: initial" class=il>and</SPAN> out of reality seen in the photographic portrait. Like dream or memory the sitter’s characteristics recede <SPAN style="background-clip: initial; background-origin: initial" class=il>and</SPAN>converge as one studies them through the film of layers that reveal <SPAN style="background-clip: initial; background-origin: initial" class=il>and</SPAN> hide their features creating ambiguities, <SPAN style="background-clip: initial; background-origin: initial" class=il>and</SPAN> shifts in the visages. </SPAN></DIV>
<DIV><SPAN style="BACKGROUND-COLOR: rgb(255,255,255)"></SPAN></DIV>
<DIV><SPAN style="BACKGROUND-COLOR: rgb(255,255,255)">In <SPAN style="background-clip: initial; background-origin: initial" class=il>DiCecco</SPAN>’s words “the medium is a sort of clear barrier but one that serves a dual purpose; to permit a look at the subject exposing her vulnerabilities <SPAN style="background-clip: initial; background-origin: initial" class=il>and</SPAN> simultaneously act as a protective layer making her impervious. “ These images are created out of four pieces that come together as one portrait yet somehow shift <SPAN style="background-clip: initial; background-origin: initial" class=il>and</SPAN> disjoin, to produce the effect of wrinkled cellophane paper atop a photograph. In this respect his portraits are Baudrillard-ian fragments that are real <SPAN style="background-clip: initial; background-origin: initial" class=il>and</SPAN> can be fragmented because <SPAN style="background-clip: initial; background-origin: initial" class=il>DiCecco</SPAN> has first given them meaning.</SPAN></DIV>
<DIV><SPAN style="BACKGROUND-COLOR: rgb(255,255,255)"><SPAN style="background-clip: initial; background-origin: initial" class=il>DiCecco</SPAN> also employs double exposure as seen in <I>Casey 4</I>, 2011, for its ability to portray the dichotomies inherent in human personality. The artist synthesizes these concepts to present us not only with the contrasts within any given personality but also as a way of chronicling diversity. <SPAN style="background-clip: initial; background-origin: initial" class=il>DiCecco</SPAN> is painting with light, his foci are dramatic, <SPAN style="background-clip: initial; background-origin: initial" class=il>and</SPAN> when he includes backgrounds, they are well synthesized <SPAN style="background-clip: initial; background-origin: initial" class=il>and</SPAN> harmonized, refraining <SPAN style="background-clip: initial; background-origin: initial" class=il>from</SPAN> any type of distraction. In considering all these formal characteristics; negative/positive space, angle, view, line, <SPAN style="background-clip: initial; background-origin: initial" class=il>and</SPAN> focus, he makes photography a fine art.</SPAN></DIV>
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<DIV><SPAN style="BACKGROUND-COLOR: rgb(255,255,255)"></SPAN></DIV>
<DIV><B>For More Information</B>:</DIV>
<DIV>Please email the Administrative Director at <A style="COLOR: rgb(17,85,204)" href="http://mail2.daum.net/hanmail/mail/MailComposeFrame.daum?TO=yuji@tenri.org" target=emptyframe><U>yuji@tenri.org</U></A> or the Exhibitions Director Thalia Vrachopoulos at <A style="COLOR: rgb(17,85,204)" href="http://mail2.daum.net/hanmail/mail/MailComposeFrame.daum?TO=tvrachopoulos@gmail.com" target=emptyframe><U>tvrachopoulos@gmail.com</U></A> or call <A style="COLOR: rgb(17,85,204)" href="tel:212-645-2800" target=_blank value="+12126452800"><U>212-645-2800</U></A>.</DIV></DIV></DIV></TD></TR></TBODY></TABLE></P>
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김 보 & 곽자인 : “blank yesterday” (빈 어제) August 18, 2016 – February 16, 2017
김 보 & 곽자인 : “blank yesterday” (빈 어제)August 18, 2016 – February 16, 2017Viewing Hours: M-F, 9am-5pm 김보, 2015, “무제”, 48” x 36”, 캔버스에 유화곽자인, 2015, “Unwritten”, 26” x 18”, 플랙시글래스비영리 미술인 지원단체인 알재단 (AHL Foundation 대표 이숙녀)의 공공미술 프로그램인 아트 인 더 워크플레이스의 일환으로 기획한 김보, 곽자인 작가의 이인전이 퀸즈 우드사이드에 위치한 Bank ..
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