회원정보 |
닉네임 |
가입일 |
2008-07-23 |
등급 |
운영자 (1) |
활동 |
포인트 : 0 점 |
게시물 작성수 : 0 개 |
댓글 작성수 : 개 |
USA 전시소식 |
Kyunghye Youn Solo Exhibition -"The Place" 12.1.2013~ 12.5 |
작성자: GalleryOms |
조회: 14441 등록일: 2013-11-22 |
번호 |
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사진작가4인초대전3rd EYE.Feb 4일부터 28일까지 전시.마음 갤러리.
nyartist |
13117 |
2011-03-03 |
THE SPACE Gallery Maum proudly presents 3rd EYE
Four photographers Park, JoonKang, JaiseokCho, SamKim, Stone
OPENING RECEPTION: Friday, February 04, 6-8PMEXHIBITION: February 04 - February 28, 201122 W. 32st, 6Fl, New York, NY 10001(Citibank 6th fl)
e-mail : maum32@gmail.com
website: www.gallerymaum.com
tel : 212-216-9720~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*..
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nyartist |
11364 |
2011-02-21 |
Word-LessJune 3 - July 23, 2010
Opening Reception: Wednesday, June 2, 6-8 pm
Featuring live performances, photography, video, sculpture and installation works by Michael Paul Britto, Brendan Fernandes, Duron Jackson, Fabienne Lasserre, Jason Lujan, Rashaad Newsome, Min Oh, Roxana Perez-Mendezand Carolyn Salas.
Word-Less is an exhibition that explores aspects of 밷lind� communication: n..
회원정보 |
닉네임 |
GalleryOms (_admin_) |
가입일 |
2008-07-23 |
등급 |
운영자 (1) |
활동 |
포인트 : 0 점 |
게시물 작성수 : 0 개 |
댓글 작성수 : 개 |