회원정보 |
닉네임 |
가입일 |
2008-07-23 |
등급 |
운영자 (1) |
활동 |
포인트 : 0 점 |
게시물 작성수 : 0 개 |
댓글 작성수 : 개 |
USA 전시소식 |
워싱턴 현지 8인 예술가 전시, Common Ground 개최 |
작성자: DCculture |
조회: 16935 등록일: 2015-03-06 |
번호 |
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Redefining Contemporary Beauty: Dong Yeoun Lee, Opening on Feb. 25,6-8pm
Journey-First love, Fantasies of old memories, Good and Old Days, 60.6x72.7cm,
Color on Silk, 2015
Gallery d’Arte 547West
27th Street, Suite 518, New York, NY 10001gallerydarte@gmail.com
201.724.7077 gallerydarte.wix.com/darteFOR IMMEDIATE
d’Arte, 547 West 27th Street, Suite 518 New York City is
proud to present Dong Ye..
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Narrations of Inner Space: A Group Show Opening on Feb. 4th from6-8pm
d’Arte 547 West 27th Street, Suite 518, New York, NY 10001
gallerydarte@gmail.com 201.724.7077FOR IMMEDIATE
d’Arte, 547 West 27th Street, Suite 518, New York City
proudly presents a group exhibition Narrations of Inner Space:
Sungmi Kim, MiYoung Park, Les Rogers, Manhee Kim, DaeHa Kwon, Hong-Jeon Lee,
GilSook Kim, Inyoung Seoung, JeongMin Park.
The Exh..
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HUMANA ARCANA: Group Exhibition, Gallery d'Arte Opening on Oct. 15from 6-8pm
NYCulture |
11473 |
2015-10-12 |
d’Arte, 547 West 27thStreet, Suite 518, NY City is proudly present
New York Based Artists Group ExhibitionHUMANA
ARCAVA:Alice Schweiger, Carol Greenlaw, Anna Marie
Schlesinger, Kike Seba, Ted Spagna, Christian Eldridge, Ronnie Eldridge, Fran
Mann Goodman, William Clark Wallis,Curated by Suechung Koh and
William Clark Wallis. This exhibition will run fro..
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Simplicity, NokMee Association's Group Exhibition Opening on Oct.2, 6-8pm
ElgaWimmer |
18226 |
2014-09-24 |
Elga Wimmer-Hyun Contemporary,
526 West 26th Street, Suite310, New
York, NY 10001, hyuncontemporary@gmail.com,
201.724.7077 / 212.206.0006
For Immediate
Release:Elga Wimmer –Hyun Contemporary presents the
16th NokMee, The Ewha Women’s University alumni Association’s
annual Group Exhibition,
Jeannie Choe,
Hyo-Chong Yoo, Sun-Young Won Lee, Sunghae Kim, ..
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회원정보 |
닉네임 |
DCculture (_admin_) |
가입일 |
2008-07-23 |
등급 |
운영자 (1) |
활동 |
포인트 : 0 점 |
게시물 작성수 : 0 개 |
댓글 작성수 : 개 |