Enjoy a meditative hour of the taegǔm, or large transverse bamboo flute, set to p’ungnyu, the classical ensemble music of Korean nobility and central theme of this season’s performance series. The Korea Society presents p’ungnyu in its taep’ungnyu (wind instrument) form. Woodwind artist Choi Seung-hee opens with the Taegûm sanjo and Jajinhanib, invoking a bountiful harvest. Choi has performed over 50 live performances in Korea and majored in Korean Traditional Music at Dankook University in Korea under Yoo Ki-joon and Oh Kyoung-soo. This performance is presented with the generous support of the New York State Council on the Arts.
Date: Thursday, July 21
Time: 6:30PM
Place: The Korea Society (950 Third Avenue @ 57th Street, 8th Floor)
$10 Members/$20 Guests/Free for Explorer-level Members
Please find more information at www.koreasociety.org or contact Yuni Cho (yuni.ny@koreasociety.or )